Sunday, February 21, 2010

Been forever

It's been forever again, I know it. I've not really figured out this site; still need Chris to hop on and play around with it.
My in-laws are here with us for 8 days; lots of sight-seeing planned! It's been wonderful so far, with many memories for Mimi.
Chris just returned from South Korea, he was TDY for about two weeks. He had a blast and is looking into volunteering for a job out in Yongsan Garrison for two years. The kids and I can go with. He goes to ALS on the 27th for about a month. He pins on Staff sometime after ALS, most likely in May. Pictures will be up shortly on facebook! Add us!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And again...

So, once again I have forgotten about this. I'm sorry ya'll. Thankfully,those that matter have me on facebook. We are officially in the final countdown; we have 8 months until we leave Hawai'i. We still don't know where we are going, and do not expect to find out until early summer...roughly the same time period that Chris pins on SSgt-his promotion. We're hoping that it's the mainland; he's shooting for Langley or Kelley, and I couldn't be happier with either choice! We're also hoping that I will be Active Duty sometime soon, or in ROTC.
Emileigh is 27 months now, and talks a mile a minute, none of it gibberish. You may not understand everything she is saying, but it's all English. She sings, counts, and loves poems. She loves to watch Noggin (now Nick JR) and her favourite shows are Dora, Kai Lan and the Backyardigans. She loves being read to and is still a big fan of her Princess movies, all though latley, Choo-Choos have surpassed all. She's a wonderful big sister and loves "her Drew (pronounced Jew)" very much. She's also very recently into baby dolls. She carries one around with her almost constantly, and it goes everywhere. She shushes and rocks it to sleep, puts it to bed and recently started nursing the baby. It's adorable! Anyway, more later. Husband is calling me to bed...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, it's been awhile, mostly because I forget about this until someone reminds me. I've started selling Creative Memories, Chris goes TDY to England later this week for two weeks, Mimi has started talking-finally! Andrew has learned that he can get where he wants if he rolls, so he rolls everywhere! He received his first self-inflicted "owie" by rolling head-first into the entertainment center. I'm not able to load pictures on this right now, java doesn't like my internet browser. I do however, have all the latest pictures up on myspace, facebook & photobucket. Photobucket has mostly cell phone pictures, though. I'm going to start downloading pictures from the computer onto my photobucket site tonight, because it takes it FOREVER. Anyway, the information for the websites above is as follows:
facebook- Look for me as Sarah Morey in the Honolulu, Hi network. There's a picture of Mimi instead of me.
photobucket- My username is mrssarahmorey. You can look it up by people, it's the last option in the search engine.

Love to all!
The Moreys

Monday, May 18, 2009

Here are some of our newest pictures. Enjoy, and of course, more are on Facebook and Myspace!

Sunday, April 26, 2009



April was a fun month for us. Andrew can now roll over from back to tummy, either direction, though he seems to favour his left side. He hates getting buckled into his carseat, and has to be in the mood to enjoy the ride. He has already outgrown his newborn clothing and his 0-3 months is getting snug. 3 months seems to fit right, though. Thankfully.
Emileigh can say "manatee", "gutter" and said two phrases this past week "Be quiet, Andrew" (he was crying in his car seat and evidently she was tired of it) and "Wear watch" (she saw her watch in her dresser and wanted to wear it) Her two favourite movies are Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid. She now has a Little Mermaid nightgown and jacket...and we have to sneak them into the wash. She has been such a big help with Andrew (most of the time). She loves to burp him, hold him, carry him around (with help!), change his diaper and rock his carseat when he's fussy. Emileigh was sick twice this morning, so we're skipping church. 
We've decided to fly into Texas this summer and spend a weekend at Schlitterbahn. We'll probably only be on the mainland for a week, maybe a little more. We can do the entire trip for around $1300. We're also talking about doing a cruise this winter. If nobody wants to go with us, then we'll do a Disney cruise; we think Emileigh would enjoy that more so than a regular cruise. We found a regular cruise for $419 a person, $180 for both kids. We'll see. It's a 7-night cruise of the Mexican Riveria. Anyway, that's all we know for now!

Friday, April 17, 2009


Andrew hits a month tomorrow, and is still alive! Yea! Joking aside, he's turning over, from his back to his tummy, both directions. He started, as of last night (and I've tested it several times today!) returning smiles. No longer are they from gas! He has such a pretty smile. He weighs 10 lbs, 3 oz (that is 1 lb 4 oz gain from his birth weight) and is just over 22 inches long. He starts sleeping in his own bed (hopefully) Sunday night. I'm scared, I'll admit it. Emileigh can say over 100 words, though she chooses not to, much to her parents' dismay. And frustration. Extreme frustration. She still thinks she's a cavegirl. *sigh* Beyond that, her favourite book is "I'll Love You Forever" a very good book. I always cry at the end. But, I highly recommend it, especially if you have children of your own. Favourite TV shows are still Little Einsteins and Dora the Explorer. She loves to talk on the phone to her Nonnie and "help" take care of her baby brother. She's become quite proficient at burping him, even though it seems to disgust her. She'll be 19 months old at the end of this month, and the child is (finally!) close to 18 months in her clothing. The doctors are still threatening to call CPS on us because her weight is so low (but it follows the curve...she's just not 50% or higher) but she eats like a horse. I'm guessing she has mine and my father's metabolism. Her favourite movie is a toss-up between Heroes (The Incredibles) and Princess (Sleeping Beauty)...and she says those words. Chris' TDY to England was canceled for this month (I'm grateful) and rescheduled for August. He was disappointed, but is now looking forward to the Summer. He MAY possibly be able to test for Staff (E-5) this year, but most likely it will be next May. If he DOES test this year, I don't think he'll pass. He didn't have a lot of study time...nor inclination, even now. *rolls eyes* 3 1/2 years together and I still don't follow his thinking.