Monday, August 17, 2009

Well, it's been awhile, mostly because I forget about this until someone reminds me. I've started selling Creative Memories, Chris goes TDY to England later this week for two weeks, Mimi has started talking-finally! Andrew has learned that he can get where he wants if he rolls, so he rolls everywhere! He received his first self-inflicted "owie" by rolling head-first into the entertainment center. I'm not able to load pictures on this right now, java doesn't like my internet browser. I do however, have all the latest pictures up on myspace, facebook & photobucket. Photobucket has mostly cell phone pictures, though. I'm going to start downloading pictures from the computer onto my photobucket site tonight, because it takes it FOREVER. Anyway, the information for the websites above is as follows:
facebook- Look for me as Sarah Morey in the Honolulu, Hi network. There's a picture of Mimi instead of me.
photobucket- My username is mrssarahmorey. You can look it up by people, it's the last option in the search engine.

Love to all!
The Moreys

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