Sunday, April 26, 2009


April was a fun month for us. Andrew can now roll over from back to tummy, either direction, though he seems to favour his left side. He hates getting buckled into his carseat, and has to be in the mood to enjoy the ride. He has already outgrown his newborn clothing and his 0-3 months is getting snug. 3 months seems to fit right, though. Thankfully.
Emileigh can say "manatee", "gutter" and said two phrases this past week "Be quiet, Andrew" (he was crying in his car seat and evidently she was tired of it) and "Wear watch" (she saw her watch in her dresser and wanted to wear it) Her two favourite movies are Sleeping Beauty and Little Mermaid. She now has a Little Mermaid nightgown and jacket...and we have to sneak them into the wash. She has been such a big help with Andrew (most of the time). She loves to burp him, hold him, carry him around (with help!), change his diaper and rock his carseat when he's fussy. Emileigh was sick twice this morning, so we're skipping church. 
We've decided to fly into Texas this summer and spend a weekend at Schlitterbahn. We'll probably only be on the mainland for a week, maybe a little more. We can do the entire trip for around $1300. We're also talking about doing a cruise this winter. If nobody wants to go with us, then we'll do a Disney cruise; we think Emileigh would enjoy that more so than a regular cruise. We found a regular cruise for $419 a person, $180 for both kids. We'll see. It's a 7-night cruise of the Mexican Riveria. Anyway, that's all we know for now!

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