Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And again...

So, once again I have forgotten about this. I'm sorry ya'll. Thankfully,those that matter have me on facebook. We are officially in the final countdown; we have 8 months until we leave Hawai'i. We still don't know where we are going, and do not expect to find out until early summer...roughly the same time period that Chris pins on SSgt-his promotion. We're hoping that it's the mainland; he's shooting for Langley or Kelley, and I couldn't be happier with either choice! We're also hoping that I will be Active Duty sometime soon, or in ROTC.
Emileigh is 27 months now, and talks a mile a minute, none of it gibberish. You may not understand everything she is saying, but it's all English. She sings, counts, and loves poems. She loves to watch Noggin (now Nick JR) and her favourite shows are Dora, Kai Lan and the Backyardigans. She loves being read to and is still a big fan of her Princess movies, all though latley, Choo-Choos have surpassed all. She's a wonderful big sister and loves "her Drew (pronounced Jew)" very much. She's also very recently into baby dolls. She carries one around with her almost constantly, and it goes everywhere. She shushes and rocks it to sleep, puts it to bed and recently started nursing the baby. It's adorable! Anyway, more later. Husband is calling me to bed...

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