Sunday, March 22, 2009


Emileigh surprised us all this evening after our trip to the park by going up to my mother (Nonnie) and asking to see "Nadroo". This is the first time she's said his name, or at least, as far as we know. She has since said it several different times tonight. She also started saying her name when you ask her what her's is. She refers to herself as Mimi. Do I have cute kids, or what?

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Addition

On Wednesday, 18Mar09, at 1745 in the evening, Sarah gave birth via C-Section to our first son. Charles Andrew Stockton Morey weighs in at 8 lbs 15 oz, 19.5 inches with the fattest cheeks that we've ever seen. The doctor delivering him called him a "Chunky Monkey" before she even had him out. He has all his fingers and all his toes and every other body part necessary for a boy. Here are some pictures; hope ya'll enjoy them.

The Moreys

P.s. Even though Emileigh cried the first time she saw him, she's very possessive and loving on him now.